Accurately assess, optimise and de-risk property development projects in seconds

Get all of your numbers right and eliminate doubt with quick, precise, site feasibility studies, development appraisals and viability analysis

No credit card needed

Accurately assess, optimise and de-risk property development projects in seconds

Build accurate
financial models

Make critical decisions
with certainty

Save time and thousands on consultancy fees and abortive costs

Sustainable Development Optimised

Developers deserve an easier, quicker way to know for sure whether a site can be made viable.

Gathering and analysing the critical information required to optimise potential, mitigate project risks and make the best land offers can take a frustrating number of days, weeks or even months. With so much to consider, no one wants to walk away from a ‘potentially’ healthy profit margin just because they don’t know for sure whether a deal really stacks-up, or don’t have the time to accurately assess alternative optimum scheme designs or delivery methods.

But spend too long crunching the numbers and you’ll miss out.

Skip the detail or miscalculate and you risk being saddled with a scheme that leaves you and your investors out of pocket. Or worse, bankrupt.

Viability is a revolutionary software platform that exposes easily-missed critical details that make or break any development, and draws on insiders’ knowledge and expertise that only comes with many years of industry experience

Viability logo icons

No credit card needed

Ground-breaking technology

Viability is light years ahead of standard development and appraisal platforms. It harnesses an extensive range of valuable and hard to find information sources, from live market and build cost data, accurate planning policy requirements, up-to-date CIL, S106 and Nutrient Neutrality calculators, to, high-quality aerial imagery, BNG assessments, detailed below ground infrastructure surveys, expert industry analysis and much, much more.

Industry renowned methodologies

It then applies tried and tested methodologies developed by the UK’s leading development experts, manufacturers of offsite and Modern Method of Construction solutions and top housebuilders who’ve specialised in scheme optimisation and viability assessments for more than 40+ years.

Game-changing insights

Not only does Viability identify the most suitable construction partners for specific sites, it also empowers developers with precise information to optimise scheme designs and maximise land values, better inform planners, generate full financial reports and enable confident decision-making to maximise project success.

“With Viability, I was able to run a full viability analysis for a site I was familiar with in minutes. It would have taken me at least a day or two and was happy to find the results were really accurate”

“With Viability, I was able to run a full viability analysis for a site I was familiar with in minutes. It would have taken me at least a day or two and was happy to find the results were really accurate”

Oli Watkins – Beaufort Homes

It’s time to eliminate abortive costs and assess site viability from a different perspective entirely

Now, at the click of a button you can ensure no rock is left unturned and that every possible development scenario and build methodology is considered in full before you decide whether a site has potential. Property developers, policy makers, valuers and agents can quickly identify and pre-empt challenges, explore different scheme designs and make informed decisions about optimal scenarios within seconds. Our pioneering platform delivers instant insights into some of the most complex areas of development including:

Optimum unit size and optimum unit mix

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Optimum unit size and optimum unit mix

This series of algorithms has been developed on the back of our extensive experience in property development. We use detailed up-to-the-minute market research and apply industry leading analysis to create valuable data about the perfect size and types of property to build in any location so you can maximise land values and profit. The software then plots the most valuable mix and pre-populates the development appraisal for you.

Accurate build cost data

Leveraging our valuable connections and partnerships in the MMC, traditional contracting and cost consultancy sectors, our extensive hands-on experience and our eminent standing in the property development industry, we harness stand-out current data from respected suppliers and leading consultants. The rich quality of this data significantly improves the accuracy of our appraisals.

Accurate build cost data

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Planning Policy data

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Planning Policy data

Policy has a huge impact on site potential, viability and optimum scheme assessments. We have gathered policy data from every local authority for all of the key aspects and constraints that influence site viability, including affordable housing policy, S106 requirements, CIL, MCIL, BNG and nutrient neutrality. We have then refined, categorised and fed this into our algorithms to create and quickly assess different scenarios, so the impact of a policy compliant scheme can be revealed at the click of a button, with easy adjustments to instantly see the effects of changing parameters.

No credit card needed

Who Viability is designed for

Property developers


Land agent

Land Agents

Solar panels on roof of new houses

Housing Associations

Architect close up

Consultants & Architects

  • Save weeks and even months on development appraisals

  • Have confidence in your valuations and project assessments

  • Know you’ve fully accounted for all legal requirements, policy restrictions, affordable housing requirements, governmental regulations and other compliance limitations

  • Instantly assess the impact of introducing alternative sustainable solutions, off-site and modern construction methods

  • Easily explore alternative scenarios to uncover untapped opportunities that maximise your returns

  • Feel empowered with access to gold standard assessments to help you make land acquisition and development decisions with confidence

  • Reduce your risk of pursuing loss-making and unviable development opportunities

Viability puts the brainpower of your design, planning, environmental, sustainability and cost consultants all in your pocket

Viability gives you access to powerful insights usually reserved for industry giants. The brainpower of your design, planning, environmental, sustainability and cost consultants all in your pocket.

At Viability, we understand the importance of combining the most accurate and trustworthy data with detailed analysis so you can make informed decisions quickly and with conviction. The methodologies we use have been tested across tens of thousands of high-profile development assessments and completed schemes. They now form the analytical backbone of Viability, providing access to powerful insights usually reserved for industry giants with extensive in-house teams and expertise. And we’ve stress-tested our platform, too, applying it retrospectively against some of the development industry’s most complex site assessments. The results?

It’s phenomenally reliable – within 2% accuracy of time-consuming, long-winded, manually-gathered appraisals, but delivered for a fraction of the cost and in minutes rather than weeks.


Accuracy of manual assessments


Increase in feasibility studies completed


Time savings on development appraisals

Typically requiring days or even weeks to gather and analyse, Viability’s user-friendly interface delivers accurate results in seconds

You no longer have to risk walking away from a great opportunity because you didn’t have all the facts

Detailed, strategic analysis often throws up a multitude of questions you need rapid answers to, like:

  • What’s the optimum type, size and mix of homes for any site?
  • How does a traditional build compare to off-site and modular options in terms of performance, suitability and cost?
  • What are the other costs, fees, taxes and sustainability requirements I have to account for? …and where do I find all of the correct numbers?
  • And, if affordable housing or other financial contributions are required, how do I make sure a scheme is still deliverable and land value or profits aren’t reduced to a point where an opportunity is no longer viable?

You really need peace of mind that you’ve covered every avenue. Otherwise, potentially viable schemes will never get off of the ground or, you might do the wrong deals and be left facing the project from hell down the line! Take these three simple steps and get the surety you need.

Viability in use

1. Put Viability to the test

The first assessment is on us. Put in your site details or simply click a potential site on the map to let our platform come up with the optimum scheme/s and analyse the financial viability for you. Viability takes into account planning requirements, construction, finance and ALL other development costs and constraints, market conditions and more.

2. Optimise your development

With the baseline set, it’s time to explore different development scenarios, examine the costs of traditional v modern methods of construction, and identify planning strategies to ensure the most viable and profitable options for your site.

3. Make your offers with confidence

Utilise our comprehensive insights and expert guidance to ensure you make the smart decisions about land acquisition or sales, development, and construction.

And, all of our outputs are easily exported into Excel, so you can tweak, test or finalise on your own systems if you wish.

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